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Fully autonomous traffic: digitalwerk supports “aperol” research project

July 31, 2020

Autonomous, personalized organisation of road traffic and digital logistics – abbreviation “aperol“, is a research project by PSI Logistics GmbH to test and validate fully autonomous traffic, taking into account the individual needs of users. In addition to partners from the field, project partners include various research institutions at Trier University of Applied Sciences and RWTH Aachen University. As part of the project, a research associate from the research team at Trier University of Applied Sciences was a guest at digitalwerk for a week and exchanged ideas with our staff about the ADAS model car from digitalwerk that is being used in this project.

The project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, aims to design a holistic transport approach (passenger, goods and freight transport) and is based on digitalwerk’s ADAS model car. The project team’s plan requires a very high number of tests to obtain the necessary data. However, if the tests of driver assistance systems or fully automated driving functions are carried out on an original vehicle, this entails high costs and is also very time-consuming. For this reason, Trier University of Applied Sciences uses the ADAS model car from digitalwerk, which can be used to develop and test vehicle functions and the associated software architecture in a cost-efficient manner. In order to, use the advantages of the ADAS model car in the best possible way for the “aperol” project, a research assistant from the research team spent a total of one week at digitalwerk. In a lively exchange with the digitalwerk software developers, all functions of the model car could be comprehensively illuminated. “The partnership within the research project is a win-win situation. We are pleased to be able to contribute a significant part to the aperol research team’s project with our ADAS model car,” summarizes a satisfied Johannes Bauer, Product Manager ADAS Model Car, and adds: “At the same time, we were able to gain interesting insights from science for our work through the one-week exchange.”

The aperol project runs over a period of 27 months and is accompanied by the city of Aachen. We wish the entire research team continued success on their way and thank them for the interesting exchange. You can find more information about the ADAS model vehicle from digitalwerk here.


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